about Shady Rest

This OCF weekend at Shady Rest Campground may be the smallest event and the smallest crew we work, but it has quickly become the largest event outside of the Oregon Country Fair. Many people attend Shady Rest and never even go into the Fair anymore. The reason we keep coming back to help Shady Rest, Cody and his family, Heidi, and their friends and support staff is that they are truly good people. There is a shortage of that in today's world, and it is important to recognize and support those who genuinely care about their community.

The other options for security in this area are not good, and it makes our presence all the more crucial. Please take this to heart in your participation at Shady Rest Campground. Understand that not everything may be polished and high-budget like the government-funded events we are familiar with. This setting requires a different approach—one rooted in flexibility, resourcefulness, and genuine care for the hosts, attendees, and the environment.

Your role at Shady Rest is not just about ensuring safety but also about helping to navigate and solve problems as they arise. This can include everything from managing crowd control to addressing any unexpected issues with a calm and professional demeanor. Your proactive involvement and positive attitude can make a significant difference.

Additionally, please take notes on any challenges or improvements that could be made. This feedback is invaluable as it helps us to refine and enhance our general and security plans year after year. By documenting what works well and what needs adjustment, we contribute to creating a safer and more enjoyable experience for everyone involved.

Your dedication and commitment to this event are greatly appreciated. Let's work together to make this weekend at Shady Rest Campground a safe, enjoyable, and memorable experience for all attendees.